Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Body Splash 200ml ( Fruity / Floral / Soft / Citrus - Buah / Bunga / Lembut / Citrus )
Sold by Eloi Coco
554 sold
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From Rp11.500
Est. delivery by Jan 16 - Jan 18
Customer reviews (127)
C**l M** Q**a
C**l M** Q**a
Item: Oriental Vanilla 200ml
Demi apa pun ini pesan eloi coco ga pernah gagal wangi nya... The best eloi coco....
Item: Amber Love 200ml
wangi ny than lama,cmn lg nyari wangi ya di sukai blm dpt yg pas,tr CO lg wangi lain
Eloi Coco
37 items
About this product
Koleksi Yves Laroche memberikan Body Splash yang sempurna untuk setiap rutinitas Anda. Wewangian yang telah dirancang untuk cocok dengan kepribadian dan antusiasme setiap wanita. Anda dapat bekerja dari rumah atau kantor tetapi kamu akan pastikan untuk tidak pernah meninggalkan Yves Laroche Body Splash Anda agar bisa merasa berada di puncak dunia. Kini tersedia dalam ukuran yang lebih besar untuk perlengkapan harian Anda!
The Yves Laroche range provides a Body Splash perfect for your every routine. Fragrances that have been designed to match with the personality and enthusiasm of women from every single walk of life. You could be working from home or the office but you could be sure to never leave behind your Yves Laroche Body Splash to keep yourself feeling on top of the world. Now available in a bigger size for your every day kit!
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Amber Love Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Raspberry dan Kelopak Bunga (Raspberry and Floral Petals)
Middle Note: Vanilla, Amber
Bottom Note: Kacang Vanilla, Musk (Vanilla Beans, Musk)
BPOM: NA18170601929
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Citrus Splash Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Buah Pir, Jeruk Nipis dan Buah Apel (Pear, Lemon and Apple)
Middle Note: Bunga Mawar, Kayu Cedar, dan Melati Putih (Rose, Cedarwood, Sambac and Jasmine)
Bottom Note: Musk, Ciri Kayu, Amber dan Aksen Laut (Musky, Woody, Ambery and Orcano)
BPOM : NA18200601513
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Fresh Passion Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Jeruk Bali, Lemon, Blackcurrant dan Apel Australi (Grapefruit, Lemon, Blackcurrant and Australian Apple)
Middle Note: Bunga Freesia Gelap dan Bunga Mawar Modern (Dark Freesia and Modern Rose)
Bottom Note: Strawberry, Kayu Cendana dan Musk (Strawberry, Sandalwood and Musk)
BPOM: NA18170601928
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Fruity Pear Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Pir Hijau Segar dan Blackcurrant (Fresh Green Pear and Blackcurrant)
Middle Note: Bunga Pear Blossom dan Kelopak Bunga (Pear Blossom and Flower Petals)
Bottom Note: Bunga Melati dan Dark Rare Pear (Jasmine Flower and Dark Rare Pear)
BPOM: NA18170601927
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Going Bananas Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Pisang dan Karamel (Banana and Caramel)
Middle Note: Kelapa dan Bunga Heliotrope (Coconut and Heliotrope)
Bottom Note: Cokelat dan Vanilla (Chocolate and Vanilla)
BPOM : NA18200601562
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Innocent Orchid Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Bunga Kenanga, Taman Akuatik Herbs (Ylang Ylang and Green Water Herbs)
Middle Note: Mawar Klasik dan Bunga Bakung Lembah (Classical Rose and Lily of the Valley)
Bottom Note: Elemen Dark Musk dan Rumput Laut (Dark Musk and Seaweed elements)
BPOM: NA18170601925
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Oriental Vanilla Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Kelapa dan Melati (Coconut and Jasmine)
Middle Note: Bunga Jeruk dan Bunga Sedap Malam (Orange Blossom and Tuberose)
Bottom Note: Vanilla, Musk, Heliotrope dan Kayu Cendana (Vanilla, Musk, Heliotrope and Sandalwood)
BPOM: NA18170602491
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Romantic Musk Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Daun Violet (Violet Leaves)
Middle Note: Raspberry, Violet dan Melati (Raspberry, Violet and Jasmine)
Bottom Note: Bunga Delicate Heliotrope dan Musk (Delicate Heliotrope and Musk)
BPOM: NA18170601926
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Sunset Dreams Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Ceri, Bunga Peony dan Bunga Freesia (Cherry, Peony and Freesia)
Middle Note: Blackcurrant, Bunga Putih dan Violet (Blackcurrant, White Flowers and Violet)
Bottom Note: Musk, Kayu Cendana dan Raspberry (Musk, Sandalwood and Raspberry)
BPOM : 18170602749
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Sweet Apricot And Peach Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Apel Hijau dan Rare Pir (Green Apple and Rare Pear)
Middle Note: Blackcurrant, Plum dan Lemon Segar (Blackcurrant, Plum and Fresh Lemon)
Bottom Note: White Musk dan Desert Mawar (White Musk and Desert Rose)
BPOM: NA18170601924
Côte d'Azur Yves Laroche Ylang Blossom Body Splash 200ml
Top Note: Blackcurrant dan Bunga Kenanga (Black Currant and Ylang Ylang)
Middle Note: Mawar Merah (Red Roses)
Bottom Note: Kayu Cendana dan Musk (Exotic Sandalwood and Musk)
BPOM: NA18170601996
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